Romanticize Autumn

Romanticize Autumn

It is officially pumpkin season and we are ready for blankets, cozy mornings , fall candles and pumpkin spice lattes.

Fall candles just hit differently with amazing blends like Hello Pumpkin or Autumn Sunset with notes like pumpkin, autumn apple and cinnamon  where all fits in every room of your home especially in the living room. Grab your blanket , light up your candles and just enjoy slow living. 

The reason why we enjoy romanticizing the transition from summer into autumn in particular could also have a lot to do with this sense of comfort.  Candles turn our house into a home just lighting them up during the day while watching your favorite series for the hundredth time. 

Wax melts, candles and essential oils create an ambience like no other while reading your book with a cup of tea and i m ready for that. 

POV: you are an Autumn person. Let the cozy season begin

With Love , 


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